Leverage the full capabilities of your AUC instrument with Ultrascan-in-a-box (USiaB)UlrtaScan-in-a-box GMP improves:


Data integrity



Speed/ Throughput


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Optima with UltraScan

Optima with alternative software

Data Management and integrity

  • Automatic Data Acquisition
  • Additional Data backup
  • LIMS System
  • Full precision native binary data as collected by the detector


  • Secure read-only Protocols for GMP applications
  • Complete workflows can run automatically unattended:
    experimental setup -> AUC run -> data acquisition
    -> data editing -> data analysis -> reporting

Analysis speed

  • High-performace computing platform with no memory limitations,
    capable of processing jobs in parallel and enabling higher
    resolution analysis, global fitting, and multi-wavelength
  • 1500 scans per cell / up to 16 samples per run

  • 100 scans max. / Runs on local user PC limited to 4 Gb of memory


  • Role based access management system
  • E-signatures and audit trail for GMP jobs
  • Remote monitoring of any Optima on the network with the ability
    to shut down the instrument remotly in case of a problem
  • Checks optimal experiment parameters such as: sufficient light
    intensity, fitting statistics, loading volume and concentration


  • Fulfills 21 CFR part 11 requirements

Empowering scientists in Gene Therapy and Vaccine Development

Gene Therapy (Viral Vector capsid characterization)

  • UltraScan supports ABDE analysis in MWL mode which requires up to 30 times less sample volume than SV analysis.
  • Doing so with alternative software packages requires additional data manipulation

mRNA Vaccine Development (LNP characterization)

  • UltraScan enables multi-wavelength sedimentation velocity analysis with density matching providing additional insights.
  • Only standard velocity available with alternative software

Monoclonal Antibodies

  • UltraScan enables global analysis of replicate samples reducing false negatives and positives and improving LOD/LOQ
  • Only standard velocity available with alternative software

UltraScan-III, AUC
Solutions LLC

UltraScan-III is an in-house developed software tool used for the analysis and evaluation of Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) data. It differs from other tools like SedAnal, Sedfit and Sedphat, Svedberg and DCDT+, and HydroPro in various aspects. Unlike other software, UltraScan-III is multi-platform, supports openAUC standards, and offers high-performance computing infrastructure. It also provides a web interface, database and LIMS support. UltraScan-III is open source and available on GitHub, offering a unique degree of transparency and the opportunity for community-driven improvements....

UltraScan-III is the only tool that supports direct data acquisition from the Optima AUC over an ethernet connection, eliminating the need for other data acquisition methods. It offers automatic data acquisition with the new Optima AUC, automated editing and data analysis, and analysis reporting.

The software is also the only one that supports high-performance algorithms which can utilize much larger CPU and memory configurations due to its supercomputing compatibility. This allows for parallel and global analysis of datasets, the handling of larger datasets, and the use of more demanding fitting algorithms, among other things.

UltraScan-III improves accuracy by incorporating exact centerpiece geometries, accounting for rotor stretching, and systematic noise removal. It also uses a relational database linking experimental data to other relevant properties, automatically providing hydrodynamic correctionsfor temperature and buffer density and viscosity, and storing results, images, reports, and other documentation.

The software uniquely describes models via an ASCII XML file that details all information about the solutes in a sample. This file can be used by all modules, allowing for models to be built, simulated, compared, stored, fitted, and more.

In addition to standard analysis routines, UltraScan-III offers unique analysis routines not found elsewhere, such as the 2-dimensional spectrum analysis (2DSA), custom grid (CG) approach,Monte Carlo (MC), genetic algorithms (GA), parametrically constrained spectrum analysis (PCSA), and discrete model GA (DMGA).

Overall, UltraScan-III provides a comprehensive suite of features and capabilities, making it an exceptionally powerful tool for the analysis of AUC data.

Learn more about the advantages of UltraScan

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